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Related article: prepare all the necessary baths. Now the name of the attendants is legion and they have enough to do Buy Oxsoralen to provide bath after batii every forty- five minutes, the ut- most limit of time during which one room may be occupied. We have been advised to arrange for a feste stunde (a fixed hour) at which we may every day present ourselves with the certainty that we shall find a bath chamber at our disposal. Now, among such a crowd of bathers as there is, it is not easy to have a convenient fixed boar allotted. The badmddch^n, who takes the tickets of admittance and rules the routine of the place, shakes her head and Buy Oxsoralen Online savs that every hour of every bath-room is already engaged, but she will see what can be done next week. We bethink ourselves that a bin: has been given by our medical adviser of the efficacy of " a good tip,'* and we furtively produce some silver. There is a virtuous look of self-denial in response and we are reminded that all tips are strictly forbidden by Oxsoralen Lotion the adminis- tration. There are several by- standers however and we cannot 1899-] SPRUDELHEIX. 355 help thinking that it is their presence which enforces soch stem compliance with the law. We saunter out of the door and approach a window which is behind the hadmddchaCs chair of office. Curiously enough she opens the window and looks oat. How easy it is to renew the interrupted colloquy and to pass a hand containing a douceur over the window sill. The window is again closed and, after smoking a meditative cigarette on a shady seat in the park, we again present ourselves at the damsel's official table. How odd ! everything can be arranged as we wish and will we take our first bath at once ? It is a buxom and pleasing looking hadmddchcn and, like all ladies who occupy a prominent position in the world, she is an object of the greatest interest to the other sex. It is seldom that her chair is not surrounded by some of her many admirers and even arrangements for baths g^ve opportunity for badinage and pretty speeches. It is rumoured indeed that the fair official receives many offers of matrimony in the course of the season. We accept the immediate bath, and a stalwart man takes us in charge and shows us into a room, clean, light and airy, with a sofa, a chair, a toilette table and a glass. The taps are turned on in the bath, which becomes filled with a brownish fluid. A towel is spread where the head is to rest and another on the floor where we are to step. A huge thermometer is used to see that the temperature of the water is at 32° C, and we are left to plunge in and compose ourselves to remain immersed while the hands of the clock on the wall travel over the ordered period. This clock becomes Oxsoralen Ultra an object of intense interest for we have been warned VOL. Lxxi. — NO. 471. that terricke things may happen if we remain in t:;e bath a minute more or less than the exact tin>e of the prescripilDO. Bat tnis timepiece has son:e eccentricities, for now and then the ir.inaie hai:d seems to be a^ected by a j:ri«e ^pasm and drops sndienly, getting over its work undjiy ^isr. We caught it in tne act and came to the conclusion that, if that is the usoal way in which time Oxsoralen Cream is reckoned, it is doubtful whether extreme accuracy in esdmating the length of a bath is always really essential. Though to some coast::at:oc.s it may not l>e of great importance how long the barn is occup:ed, there are certainly a few which are much more sen^iive and on which the water has a very per- ceptible immediate e3ect- And it does not foi.ow that the people who most are sensible of the immediate effect, are those who yxiW be most permanently bene- fited — but we are getting upon a hygienic sul»;ect of wnicn we are not qualined to speak. We wonder whether there is any sense in Sir Francis Head's theory that in taking one of these mineral baths, it is contrary to reason not to immerse the bead from time to time ; •* even the common pressure of the water on the portion of the body which is immersed in it tends mechanically to push or force the blood towards that part (the head) enjoying a rare medium; but when it is taken into consideration that the mineral mixture of Schwalbach acts on the body, not only me- chanically by pressure, but medi- cinally, being a very strong astringent, there needs no wizard to account for the unpleasant sensations so often complained of." Sir Francis said that he always ducked his head with benefit to himself. We always 24 33^ BAILY S MAGAZINE. [May kept ours scrupulously out of the vfzier and we never heard of any one who did Oxsoralen Tablets not do likewise. As we never heard the question mooted, probably the faculty have settled it long ago. The time has come at last when we may get out of the muddy mixture which in truth has given us the sensation of being in a soft warm bed that we are rather loath to quit. We ring the bell. Enter the attendant, who throws over our shoulders a rough towel, that has been warming in an iron heater, Oxsoralen Price and proceeds to rub us down with an almost painful vigour. Him also we have tipped, by advice, and he certainly well earns his silver mark by the muscular energy which he dis- plays. A long drawn ** so " com- pletes the operation and we are left to get into our clothes again. The first baths of a cure are taken in the muddy water that we have told of, so brown and thick that, as a French gentleman re- marked, oil ne pent pas s' admirer when one's limbs are covered by it, but as time goes on the patient is promoted to the embraces of a clear and sparkling fluid, charged with carbonic acid gas, which looks like the best of soda water, and by its touch, stimulates like champagne. Fresh and effervesc- ing from Nature's laboratory, it bubbles forth and, putting aside its medical value, there can be no doubt about the intense sensual